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Coding The Creative Design Layout

January 9th, 2009 in PSD Sitebuilds by Richard Carpenter

Coding The Creative Design Layout

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About The Author

About The Author: Richard Carpenter

Hi im Richard Carpenter im a freelance web and graphics designer from England. I am also a regular Blogger, Tutorial Writer, and Contributor for HV-Designs. You can follow me on twitter HERE. You may also view my portfolio HERE.


Richard Carpenter has written 364 posts.

Welcome, in this tutorial il teach you how to convert my “creative design layout” into a working CSS/HTML valid website.


Firstly id do the tutorial on creating the layout or skip it and download the PSD file from the hv-designs shop, if you do my tutorial try and get it as close to my design as possilable, changes you wish to make can be done easily once coded. Right lets begin…

Create a folder on your desktop call it what ever you want, within the folder create another folder called “images”. Open up notepad then just goto “file > save as” then enter “styles.css” as the filename make sure you include the .css bit. Open up dreamweaver and click HTML under create new column.

You should now have a blank HTML document in dreamweaver, goto “file > save as” then save it as “index.html”. You should now be all set to go. In dreamweaver you need to be in code view and the CSS panel should be open. The CSS panel is the box on the right, if you cant see it click the little grey arrow. Also in dreamweaver there are 3 views available code, split and design, let me just explain what these are. Code is to view the code to the HTML document that is open. Split is a split screen version half design and half code. Design is how your website looks BUT dont go by what is actually in the design view as sometimes layouts look split up, not aligned properly etc… its very rare i used the design view, i always check what the layout looks like in my browsers, IE and Firefox. You can do this by pressing F12 on the keyboard.

Right enough explaining lets get on, once the CSS panel is open click the “attach style sheet” button.

Click browse in the box that pops up and navigate to the style sheet you created (the styles.css file).

Notice in the HTML code in your index.html file you have a new line of code.

This line of code is VERY important as it tells the HTML file to look in this file (styles.css) to style the actual document. But most of you new that right…! Okay the way i code my templates are i work from the top of the PSD file and work my way down, i also slice this way also, most people slice everything first the start coding each item. I find it easier my way, but feel free to experiment.

Lets start by laying out the 1st foundations of our website, we need a container, header, navbar and logo. The container is the box which will basically hold our layout, the header is the header the navbar is the navbar and the
logo is the logo. Pretty simple ah?! All these elements will be wrapped in divs and looks like this.

[sourcecode language="html"]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />


<div id="container">

<div id="header">

<div id="nav">

<div id="logo"></div>



Lets explain the code above in more detail now you no what it looks like. The 1st div is the the container which like i said above is the box that basically holds the website. Everything for the website will be inside this div. Then theres the header div, now this div will only hold a background image as you will see when we add the styles. Now beacuse we want the background image behind the menu bar and logo we need to place these item inside the header div and as you can see the header div ends at the bottom of the html file with the container. When we add our website content we must place it after the header end div but before the container end div. Now lets being to style our divs. Open up your styles.css file in dreamweaver, use the tabs to flick between the two files.

The first bit of CSS code we need to add is to style the body of the document which looks like this.

[sourcecode language="css"]

body {
font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

We dont want any margin or padding around the edges of the website so we set the padding and margin to 0, we need to add our font family which is the fonts were going to be using through out the layout. Then theres a background image which is our background, il show you how to create that in a minute. We want our background image to repeat along the X axis which is horizontally. Background color is the color of our background which relates to the background on the PSD file. To create the background image header over to your PSD file and create a 1 or 2 pixel selection like this. Make sure all your layers are flattened, BUT DONT SAVE IT THE PSD FILE, just copy and paste the selection to a new document then undo everything on your PSD file. Save the image you copied as “bg.PNG” save it in your images folder.

Head back over to your HTML file and press F12, you should see your background in action.

Now lets create our container and the background image for the header. We’l create the background image 1st, hide all your header elements on your PSD file then just select the background part of the header (again make sure you flatten your PSD file when you’ve hidden the header elements, but dont forget to undo once the image is made). Copy and paste the header background to a new document then save as “header_bg.png” in your images folder.

Now lets add the CSS styles for our container and header divs.

[sourcecode language="css"]
#container {

background-image: url(images/header_bg.png);
height: 298px;
width: 900px;

My PSD file width is 900pixels, so we’ll use a container of 900px, again with no padding, BUT set margin to auto this will center our webpage in the browser. For the header div we need to add the header image which is the “header_bg.png” image. We dont want the header background to repeat as its a fixed item. You need to check the width and height of your image that you saved, mine is 900px wide and 298px high. Yours might be different so adjust accordingly. Save our css file then head back to your HTML file press F12 and take alook. You should be able to see your background image where the header is surposed to be.

Now lets add our logo which will be our website title, slogan and the man image. Head back over to PSD file and copy and paste your logo to a new document and save as “logo.png” heres my mine.

Lets add the CSS styles to the css file for the logo image.

[sourcecode language="css"]
#logo {
background-image: url(images/logo.png);
height: 298px;
width: 315px;

Again pretty much the same as the header styles apart from the filename is different and the width and height corrospond to the image you just saved (logo.png). Save your CSS file then head back over to your HTML file press F12. Heres what mine looks like in the browser.

Time to code our navigation in your HTML code under the nav div you need to add your menu code which looks like this.

[sourcecode language="html"]
<div id="nav">
<ul class="menu">
<li id="about"><a href="#"><span>#</span></a></li>
<li id="portfolio"><a href="#"><span>#</span></a></li>
<li id="clients"><a href="#"><span>#</span></a></li>
<li id="contact"><a href="#"><span>#</span></a></li>

The new bit code “ul class=”menu” means unordered list, all the navigation items have a “li id” which means list id. The links have a list id beacause we wont be using plain text for our navigation we will be using images. Head over to your PSD file copy and paste each navigation item and save as seperate images label them according to the image as it will make it easier. You should have 4 images in total. Also big tip when saving PNG files, make sure the images are on transparant backgrounds. The CSS code for the navigation is as follows.

[sourcecode language="css"]
margin-right: 40px;

.menu ul{

.menu li{
margin:0 5px 0 0;


#about a{

#portfolio a{

#clients a{

#contact a{

The nav div is the box that holds the navigation images. So we need to add a width, the width should be the size of all the images together so for EXAMPLE: if each image is 200px thats 200px x 4 = the width of the box. Then we need to add some padding to the top of the box so it isnt stuck right at the top of the browser. Height is the height of the navigation images which should all be the same. Then we need to stick it more to the right so add a margin of 40 pixels to the right. Now the next part is of code relates to the ul and li tags which are both classes not divs, a class starts with a period (.) the difference between a class and div is that a class can be used over and over and a div should be unique and used once. The most important styles on the ul and li classes are the list-style ones, these styles remove the bullets from the list and place the images in a line next to each other opposed to being displayed vertically. The span style is also important as span allows us to add styles to the content, or manipulate the content with for example JavaScript. Next comes the actual code for our navigation images, as you can see each li id relates to each style, keeping the names of items simple and straight to the point will make your life more easier. Each background URL relates to the navigation images we created previously. Width & height relate to the dimensions of each image. The display:block style means “The element will be displayed as a block-level element, with a line break before and after the element”. Save your CSS file then head back over to your HTML file press F12.

The next part is to create the welcome text under the navigation bar. We need to add some new HTML code for this part so in your HTML file code in between and

add this code.

[sourcecode language="html"]

<div id="featured">


So we basically need another box for our text which is the div id featured, the h1 tag means header#1 you can have as many of these as you want. i called it h1 beacause its the 1st header we’ve done so far. The p tag means paragraph which is where our text will be. So in this chunk of HTML code there are 3 elements we need to style the div tag “featured”, the h1 tag and the p tag. The CSS code looks like this.

[sourcecode language="css"]
#featured {
height: 200px;
width: 480px;
font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
color: #eae5cf;
margin-top: 90px;
margin-left: 380px;

h1 {
font-family: Impact;
font-weight: normal;

p {
font-family: Verdana;

The height and width in the #featured tag corrospond to the height and width of the box that the text will be in. Margin -top push’s the block of text down 90px and the margin-left moves it to the right 380px. The other styles corrospond to the text being displayed, here you can set which ever font you want, in any color you want and what ever size you want. Viewing your HTML file in your browser should now look like this.

The next part we need to do is create our content area which has one snazy title and 6 content boxes which need to be expandable. So the first we need code is the snazy header. Goto your PSD file and copy and paste the snazy title to a new a document and save it in your images folder.

Goto your HTML document and add this code between and the last div which is the container end div.

[sourcecode language="html"]

<div id="content">


The div id content will represent the big box in which our content boxes and sidebar boxes will sit, at the moment though there is only a h2 tag which we’l use for our snazy title we just sliced and saved. Add this CSS code for your content div and h2 tag.

[sourcecode language="css"]
#content {
padding-top: 20px;

h2 {
margin-left: 10px;

The content box which will hold our content only needs to be 800px wide as the content boxes arnt that wide them selves you can set it at 900px if you want to but that means the gao between the content boxes and sidebar boxes will be greatly increased. We have set 20px padding at the top of the div content so that it isnt stuck right beneath the header. Then we set the margin to auto, this will center everything that falls in the content div. The h2 styles are for our snazy title we just sliced up background url is the filename and path to the image. Width and height have to be the same as the actual image itself. Then finally we add our 20px margin to the bottom so that the content boxes dont sit right underneath the snazy title, the margin-left simply push’s the snazy title over to the right. View your HTML file and you should have something like this.

Now for the content boxes themselves. The content boxes all have top and bottom rounded corners so basically there will be 3 elements to each content box. The top rounded corners, the middle bit which will be expandable then the bottom rounded corners.

Slice these parts of the content boxes into 3 individual files save them as .png on a transparant background in the images folder.

Lets add our HTML code for the content boxes. Now because these content boxes will be repeated we need to use classes not div’s remember when i said before div’s should only be used once. Well nows a perfect example. Inside the content div inbetween the h2 tags and the end div you need to add this code.

[sourcecode language="html"]
<div class="content_box">
<div class="content_top">
<h3>Content Box One</h3>
<div class="content_main">
<p>some text</p>
<div class="content_bottom">
<p>Posted on 04/01/2009</p>

the 1st class is content_box, this will be the box our content box sits in, so it will be a content box inside a box. Then theres a class content_top, thats our top bit of the content boxes. In the top half of the content box i want to be able to add a header so i can label each content box so ive used a h3 tag. The content_main class is our expandable bit of the box so the box will adjust to the amount of text and images that inside. Then finally content_bottom…. you’ve guessed it, its the bottom half of the box. The p tag in the bottom half the box is just like a content box footer that ive added. So the CSS code to go with these elements are as follows.

[sourcecode language="css"]
.content_box {


.content_top h3{
color: #5C5741;
font-family: Impact;
font-size: 24px;
font-weight: normal;
padding-top: 6px;
padding-left: 20px;


padding-top: 6px;
padding-left: 20px;
padding-right: 0px;

.content_main p {
font-family: Verdana;
color: #A09484;
font-size: 11px;
padding-right: 30px;

.content_bottom {
margin-bottom: 10px;

.content_bottom p {
font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif, Impact;
color: #5C5741;
font-size: 9px;
float: right;
padding-top: 10px;
padding-right: 15px;
padding-left: 15px;
padding-bottom: 10px;


The class content_box has a style width:480px the width of our content boxes image are all 485px so that should be sufficient to hold it all in, we also want it on the left side so we float it left, we also want the content boxes to lye equally in the middle of the surrounding div so we set a margin of auto. The next set of classes are our actual content boxes and these classes contain our images that form the box. The 2nd class is content_top this will represent the top rounded corners of our box so we set the background image to the top box image we created in photoshop, we dont want the background to repeat and the width and height are the actual dimensions of our content top image. Our content_bottom class is exactly the same, the only difference is it has a bottom marhin of 10px. Ive added this so there is a 10px gap inbetween each box eles there boxes will just be right underneath each other. The class content_main is where our main content will be, now this is a little bit different from the others, the background image is the image we created in photoshop but because we want the background to repeat we set the repeat on the y axis, also notice there is only a width and no height the width should be the same width as the image. There is no height because we want it to expand if we did set a height then you wouldnt see all the text and it wouldnt expand it would be like a fixed object. Then theres the padding, we need to pad the top and left so the text lie’s nicely inside our box. If you save your HTML and CSS files press F12 and preview in your browser you should see you content box.

To add more content boxes all’s you need yo do is copy HTML code and paste the html classes. So three content boxes would look like this.

[sourcecode language="html"]
<div id="content">


<div class="content_box">

<div class="content_top">
<h3>Content Box One</h3>

<div class="content_main">

<div class="content_bottom">

<div class="content_box">

<div class="content_top">
<h3>Content Box Two</h3>

<div class="content_main">

<div class="content_bottom">

<div class="content_box">

<div class="content_top">
<h3>Content Box Three</h3>

<div class="content_main">

<div class="content_bottom">


Now for the right sidebar, its constructed in exactly the same way as the main content boxes, they contain 3 images, sidebar_top, middle and bottom open up your PSD file and begin to chop up your sidebar box. The markup will be the same just different div and class names. Lets start preping it in our HTML file. The markup looks like this.

[sourcecode language="html"]
<div id="sidebar">
<div class="sidebar_top">
<h4>stay connected…</h4>
<div class="sidebar_main">
<p>some text here</p>
<div class="sidebar_bottom">

The starting div is sidebar which will be the box that all our sidebar boxes sit in, the first class is the top bit of the sidebar. The h4 tag is our header 4 then theres the sidebar_main which will be our expandable area then last but not least the sidebar_bottom which is the bottom of our sidebar content box.

The styles to go with all this is also pretty much the same minus a few little options. The CSS looks like this.

[sourcecode language="css"]
#sidebar {

.sidebar_top {

.sidebar_top h4 {
font-family: Impact;
font-size: 30px;
font-weight: normal;
color: #5C5741;


.sidebar_main {

.sidebar_main p {
font-family: Verdana;
color: #A09484;
padding-right: 10px;

.sidebar_bottom {
margin-bottom: 10px;

The 1st thing to be styled is the div sidebar two simple styles, the width of our box in which the content boxes will sit, pretty easy that will be the same width as our images which are all 305px. Then we need to float it right so it will sit inline next door to our main content boxes. Sidebar_top and sidebar_bottom are pretty much the same apart from bottom has the margin as like the main content boxes. The class sidebar_main is the same as the others but again like our main content boxes it has no height and the background is repeated. Once you’ve added your code give it and preview it with F12. Heres mine.

Just copy the classes to add more boxes in your sidebar, the code for three boxes looks like this.

[sourcecode language="html"]
<div id="sidebar">
<div class="sidebar_top">
<h4>stay connected…</h4>
<div class="sidebar_main">
<p>some text</p>
<div class="sidebar_bottom"></div>
<div class="sidebar_top">
<h4>whats new…</h4>
<div class="sidebar_main">
<p>some text</p>
<div class="sidebar_bottom"></div>
<div class="sidebar_top">
<h4>monthly poll…!</h4>
<div class="sidebar_main">
<p>some text</p>
<div class="sidebar_bottom"></div>

Now its time for the footer, the footer div should be placed outside the container div as we want the footer to be like the header and repeat all the way across. The footer code looks like this.

[sourcecode language="html"]
<div id="footer">
<p>Copyright &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;copy; Yoursite.com | All Rights Reserved<br />
<br />
Designed By <a href="http://www.hv-designs.co.uk">HV-Designs.co.uk</a></p>

Pretty simple just a simple div with a p tag for the text. The CSS for the footer looks like this.

[sourcecode language="css"]
#footer {
font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

#footer p {
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
color: #EAE5CF;
margin: auto;
text-align: center;
padding-top: 20px;


The footer div has a height of 101 pixels as thats what the dimensions of the image is there is no width as we want the footer to span right the way across the browser, so we also set background repeat to x. The clear:both style is important, this means we dont want any items either side of our header. The footer p style is the styles for the paragraph which are pretty much self explanetry. Thats it all done, The only things left to do now is style things like rollovers if you want any, active, visited, rollover links, additional headers and font colors. Heres how mine looks in the browser.

Thank you for reading, dont forget to subscribe to our RSS feeds.

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113 Responses to “Coding The Creative Design Layout”

  1. ben says:

    Very nice tutorial. Too bad I don’t have photoshop at home! This would be helpful for blog templates, too.

  2. Artem says:

    At a certain point you use PNG’s with transparent background, use GIFs instead. MIE6 displays transparent pixels in PNGs as grey.

    Great tutorial!

  3. ADMIN says:

    @ ARTEM

    well IE7 is out maybe you should think about upgrading

    thx for the heads up thou

  4. IE6 doesn’t show the grey when there’s used an alpha layer as transparancy (as far as I’m told), to bad photoshop can’t save PNG with alpha layer, so you’ll first have to save it as BMP and then convert it into PNG.

  5. Luc says:

    Really a awesome tut, thanks for this post:)

  6. netsnake says:

    Very cool! I have just bought Adobe CS4 for web premium, so this was right in time =)

    very good tutorials, discovered this site 3 days ago, and now I’m here every day

    Oh, by the way:
    WordPress 2.7 is available! Please notify the site administrator.

  7. ADMIN says:

    haha thx, i tried upgrading but ran into a few problems… sorting them out 1st

  8. Razor says:

    Dude, talking about making a coding tutorial… this is awesome! Couldn’t have explained it better. However, within the time, I’ve learnt my way around making an XHTML/CSS website template before this got posted. Boasting aside (LMAO), I would have learnt a lot from this tutorial if I wasn’t to get my feet off the floor. Nice one!

  9. Brenelz says:

    Great tutorial! Would have loved a screencast as well instead of written, but good work!

  10. Leejin says:

    Hello, I have a basic question.
    I got the bg.png to display and repeat across the screen, but how do I continue to add diffferent boxes. I can’t just replace all the code in the css for the background can I? Am I supposed to copy the code for each part to some place in the html?? He skips that step doesn’t he? May be easy for you pros, but I’m a super noob.

  11. Thanks for tutorial. Maybe video tut is better, but great work.

  12. Houdini says:

    This is one of the most well explained tutorials yet – thanks man

  13. LinkTree says:

    i manged to get the background to show up in the webpage but i cant get the header_bg and logo to show up as well….
    though i can see these images listed in the tools->page info->media.

  14. very nice this tutorial, very thanks for you

  15. pixelerator says:

    Thank author for these great tutorial..
    i am always confused about div tags but you tuts clear various points

  16. David says:

    It’s about time someone created a tutorial that demonstrated how to slice and code a design! However, I think alot could be improved on this tutorial such as creating a rounded corner box that is expandable in width and you would only need 1 image. Also, alot of the other design images could be cut down into simply using div structure and some creative bordering. Anyhow, well done!

  17. md says:

    Great tutorial!
    There’s just one problem I’ve come across so far, and that is that the division for the content left (that snazzy title “services we have to offer” doesn’t seem to appear with the css code that you’ve written. The division is placed on top of the existing header div and is not going down below it for some reason, so I had to increase the padding to 370px. Is there an alternative?
    Thanks again.

  18. ADMIN says:

    the snazy title is within the “h2″ tag in the css file

    h2 {
    margin-left: 10px;

  19. Daniel says:

    I’m having the same problem as md, the same image also appears behind the header and I have to set the padding way higher. However, it displays fine in internet explorer 7 but I have to set the huge padding for firefox. Any ideas?

  20. ADMIN says:

    hmmm, mine seems fine, il look into it some more

  21. Daniel says:

    I’ve fixed the problem. All you have to do is put

    position:absolute; along wth the main header properties and then make the content padding 320 (or whatever suits your design). It will then work fine in both browsers.

  22. Selcuq says:

    Thx. very nice tutorials.

  23. This is by far the most comprehensive css tutorial I’ve read. the illustrations are great, thks Admin.

  24. Bintoy says:

    i’m having some issues with IE6. when i view the webpage in design mode or split mode and in Firefox everything is in order but when i try to view it in IE6 everything is a mess. the logo is below the header BG and paddings i make in dreamweaver is not the same when i view it in IE6 but Firefox has no problems.

  25. ADMIN says:

    simple solution….. update to IE7., get with the times!

  26. Bintoy says:

    updated to IE7 but still the same problem…
    wait! i solved it. turns out my was sitting below my navigation bars. all i did was to switch their places and “WALAH!” problem solved.

  27. Bintoy says:

    i was gonna say that my logo container was sitting below my navigation bars

  28. Zac says:

    I cant get the sidebar to float right. it just comes in under the content boxes on the left side. Using IE7 so i know its my error. Anyone think of why it might be doing that?

  29. Zac says:

    Figured it out. Had it stuck inside another div. Ive got closing div tags gallore. Going to need to find a way to keep them organized. This tut is awesome. Ive learned 500 times more from this tutorial than from any of the few CSS books Ive bought and wasted my money on. I can’t tell you how useful this has been.

  30. Bintoy says:

    i got another problem, when i try to make a footer and copy the script given above the position of the footer in split and design mode in dreamweaver has no problem but when i try to view it in my browsers (firefox, google chrome, IE7) the footer sits below the header… pls help…

  31. Bintoy says:

    i placed the footer script after the end of the “container”.

  32. ADMIN says:

    might help if you label your divs with comment code add next to your divs.

    never copy and paste the code from the website has it doesnt copy/paste all the quotation marks etc…! manually write it out. i no it seems like hard work but you’l benifit more from it. All’s i can say is double check your code.

  33. Bintoy says:


    i can’t make the footer to position itself to the bottom. my footer div is outside the container div. my CSS code defines the height of the footer.png as the same as the PNG. i made it to repeat along the x-axis. and set the “clear” to “both”. what am i doing wrong. somehow the footer positions itself directly below the header. how can i make the footer stick to the bottom of the page?

  34. ADMIN says:

    send me an e-mail with your files zipped up and il take alook for you

  35. Tim Smith says:

    Great Post!! Awesome tutorial! Thanks!

  36. Brian says:

    Hello, I’ve made a website using this tutorial, it looks great so far. But it doesn’t quite work in internet explorer.

    I was wondering if there was anything I could do to make this compatible? Thanks a lot in advance, I appreciate it.

  37. Javagon says:

    I have a question:
    How do you add to your css the image of the character behind the stay-connected box? It appears in the psd but not here. Thank you.

  38. ADMIN says:

    My version has been tested on IE and FF and works fine!

  39. Brian says:


    I thought it’d work fine as well, I’m opening it in IE7, and it the navigation appears above the header logo. The header logo is the same size as the header, so I didn’t include a header_bg. Would you mind me sending you the files and you checking it out really fast? I can’t figure this out.

  40. ADMIN says:

    sure brian links at the top in the nav

  41. Javagon says:

    I think my question haven’t been solved yet

  42. Kyle says:

    Look @ my try ADMIN:


    I did everything right except I was to lazy to add the footer and I noticed I had to add padding a lot because like my right content box was in the middle of no where and my left content box just didn’t even up or something it was weird.

    Figured it out but my colors dont match(content box + background)

  43. Muhammed says:

    gre8 tutorial thank you so much

  44. sha says:

    i don’t have dreamweaver what should i use?

  45. I’m not a very big fan of HTML. As much as possible I get someone to code for me haha This would’ve really helped me a lot though, if I decide to try my hand at coding. Thanks for sharing this, excellent work as always!

  46. midas says:

    Hi Admin,

    Is there any reason why you made flattened copy image for“bg.PNG” instead of using slice tool in Photoshop?

  47. ADMIN says:


    ive always done it that way, feel free to explore any other way…. just use what you feel comfortable using.

  48. Great layout thanks

  49. Thank you richard really nice tutorial

  50. Awesome tutorial Richard, I like it because is very detailed. Thanks for sharing.

  51. Swati says:

    hey, Great tutorial! Thank you so much for sharing. I am re-acquainting myself with CSS & HTML and thoroughly enjoyed going with this one. I am so glad i followed it thru. Am hoping to revamp my current site with a simpler CSS layout.

    Just one question tho – Trying to figure out how to place the guy behind the ‘stay connected’ box. Would love to know.

    Thanks for everything. Looking fwd to many more learning experiences from you!

  52. Lida says:

    Thanks for this article.But I need some information. I tried this css settings but some wrong with IE 6 browser.This any plugins for this
    (png is not working)….

  53. EmperorJones says:

    Great Tut! Hey…I noticed that you didn’t use a closing tag for the Content Box .class It seems to still work. Is it unnecessary? Thanks

  54. sevi?me says:

    great tutorial thank you very much

  55. Ruben says:


    Nice tutorial! But from where do you have that nice image in the top of your layout? Always when I am busy with my layout, I have problems with the images I have to use before my layout.

    So can you give me a site or something like that with nice images?


  56. fx15 says:

    I’m not a very big fan of HTML. As much as possible I get someone to code for me haha This would’ve really helped me a lot though, if I decide to try my hand at coding. Thanks for sharing this, excellent work as always!

  57. Hanan Ali says:

    Great support indeed. I was looking a tutorial like this.

  58. Thanks for posting

  59. Vikram says:

    Thanks again for this nice tutorial. How can I place the image of the man behind the stay connected box (on the right hand side).

  60. Vikram says:

    I just noticed that the navigation bar links are not working for some reason. Everything seems to be fine, but the pictures on the navigation links are not becoming hyperlinks. I have used the following code:


    Can you please tell me what exactly is going wrong? Please also tell me how to place the image of the man behind the stay connected box (on the right). Thanks in advance..

  61. Vikram says:

    I am sorry, the code that I copy-pasted in the comment box, has turned into links. It is not displaying the code. the code is like this. Here I am using ‘[' and ']‘ instead of ”

    [li id="about"][a href="#"][span]#[/span][/a][/li]
    [li id="portfolio"][a href="#"][span]#[/span][/a][/li]
    [li id="clients"][a href="#"][span]#[/span][/a][/li]
    [li id="contact"][a href="#"][span]#[/span][/a][/li]

  62. AHAPPYGUY! says:

    THNX MAN!!!
    you know what you do ?
    this single tutorial was exactly what i needed to understand css
    all i needed to understand was the use of class and ID ^^
    i just learned css in 10 min

  63. John says:

    really informative

  64. John says:

    like the overall design

  65. John says:

    really cool site

  66. vonderfull grafic thank you very much

  67. Siva says:

    Really very useful………..

  68. pearl says:

    thank for this tutorial and really it helped me a lot to understand wah tis CSS and all other tags…so far everything is workign for me but my problem isthe bottomimage is not shown connected with middle image in dreamweaver it is showing fine but in IE it is showing some space in between them……thanks again for wonderful tutorial you rocks

  69. thnk

  70. Admin, i have a problem.
    This design is good but i dont see this ie6
    mozilla is good ie is bad i guess..

  71. tj says:

    Man………………….u rocks….. i just love u……………….& u r site…………….great site……

  72. hosting says:

    Thank you
    realy wonderfull

  73. youre good work man. save this page and always will be. many thanks

  74. thanks man good article

  75. John W says:

    Hi Richard, once you have the Photoshop file of a home page, how much time would you say it would take to convert the Photoshop file into a working HTML/CSS file given it’s a pretty standard layout? Thanks for the info.


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